But, what if we, as the collective consciousness of the human race, decided to change our reaction to what we think is reality?
A place for people to come and become inspired. A site that celebrates rising to the occasion instead of kneeling to the condition. Within you there is a potential waiting for your discovery. You are here because you're supposed to be! Hang out and poke around, discover what's been Written and Ready.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Bozo's Dead!
But, what if we, as the collective consciousness of the human race, decided to change our reaction to what we think is reality?
Friday, May 20, 2011
Open Up to Unlimited Possibilities
When I wrote WILSON MOONEY, I never thought I would be self publishing it. I thought I was going to submit it to agents, who would love the story as much as my beta readers and I did. But as this tale goes, I never really gave it the 100% push to agents; yeah, I queried about 25 agents, most were a no from the go. But I wasn't persistent. I didn't query 100's of agents, like they tell you to do. And the funny thing about it; I really couldn't tell you why I didn't push it. I just didn't.
Then one day I made up my mind to self publish. It was so liberating. A huge wave of peace flooded my soul. Suddenly, I was in touch with the true peace that comes when you know you are doing the right thing. So I "acted as if" and did what I thought a published author would do. I read up about people who self published their work. They sold their novels independently using the eBook format for the Kindle, Kobo, and other eReaders. I looked at what different freedoms self publishing gave them. I like the idea that when you self publish have complete say on the cover, formatting and pricing. Most of all, when you self publish you don't have to conform to the constraints of traditional publishing.
The minute my mind was made up and I decided to open up to the unlimited possibilities and put myself out there, things started grooving and movin'. Now if I didn't believe in the idea that thoughts produce events in your life, or that what you focus on grows; I might have sabotaged myself into believing what I was doing wasn't possible. Let's face it we all do that at some point in our lives.
We don't do something, because we are afraid of failing or people sitting in judgment of us. Why do we let that negative ick bottle our creativity or success? So what if we fail at something, at least we tried. Who really cares about those people who judge you for following your bliss? Maybe, just maybe, they sit in judgment because of their own fears and insecurities. Don't let them stop you from accomplishing something that you hold dear in your heart.
Look at individuals who are extremely successful, you don't see them worrying about failing or people judging them. They set their mind on the prize and move forward according to their plan of action. They do it until it works. They also believe they are worth it. Did you hear that? They believe without a shadow of a doubt, they are deserving of the success they attract into their lives.
It is my goal to have WILSON MOONEY, ALMOST EIGHTEEN available to readers by sometime this summer. Yeah, this summer 2011.
Now I ask…is there something you've always wanted to do, but were always to afraid to attempt? Do you have an idea that is wonderful and forward thinking, but you just don't see how you can do it? Sit in silence for a moment of discovery. Be silent in your mind; tell that doubting voice in your head to take a hike. Because when it comes down to it; nobody stops you from doing it but you. If you want something bad enough, keep at it until it happens. Who cares about what other people think; if you believe you can do it, you will! It is your time to shine.
Don't be the one to look back at your life in regret because you were worried about failing or being judged.
Remember this…Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he successfully invented the iridescent light bulb. His belief in something greater, inner vision and persistence propelled him into success.
Now go out and follow your bliss; because I can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve!
**DISCLOSURE** I totally believe in traditional publishing and if I thought that the publishers would take a chance on Wilson, I would have pushed. Personally, I think WILSON MOONEY, ALMOST EIGHTEEN is a book better served self published.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Linoleum Moments, We All Have Them…
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I Got Poked in the Eye
Sometimes when you're caught looking through the peep hole, you get poked in the eye.
Today, I got poked pretty hard.
I've made the decision in my life to approach the world through love and peace. Grant it, some days I am better at it than others, but for the most part I've decided to work within my own mind to make the conscious choice to see the goodness in everything and everyone around me.
Today, when I tripped over what seemed to be a huge rock and started to slip from my path of becoming a better person; I got pummeled by a rock slide of boulders that made the huge rock I tripped over seem like an insignificant pebble.
Okay, yet again let me get personal…
I was bumming because my youngest son didn't make the tournament team for baseball. Yeah, okay I said it—I am a bit competitive. So what if there were 32 other kids trying out for 12 spots; I felt he did pretty darn good and thought he had a shot in making the team. You can imagine my shock when his name didn't appear under the title of U8 Tournament Team. I was really getting into the self-created pity party I was having because he didn't make the team. Yeah, I felt pissed at first, then hurt, all the same crap we all feel when we are let down.
I was sitting in my room trying to let go of the icky feeling of jealousy, frustration and all around crappiness; (Hey at least I decided to work on it) when my mother came in and told me a friend of mine Glenda (name changed for privacy) was at the front door. I sat up. That's right; I told Glenda the other day that I would help her with a wound she has on her back.
I followed her to her house as she ambled across her yard and into her front door. I made the comfortable small talk that connected us between the weeks we didn't see each other. How she was feeling; what my boys have been up to; all the key points that tended to keep us abreast to changes in each other's lives.
She led me to her modest kitchen and I waited as she prepared her bandages and medicinal ointments. When she was ready I removed her bandage. It was a small wound on her back no bigger than the circumference of the eraser on the end of a number 2 pencil. I didn't think much of it, I dabbed it with hydrogen peroxide and told her what I saw. She gooped antibiotic ointment on the bandage and I pressed it delicately against the wound she will never see.
After she pulled her tank-top back over her shoulder I ask what happened. I anticipated the vague answers she always gave to a "kid" like me; but in my wildest thoughts I never expected the betraying word cancer to cross her lips. When she said malignant my heart shattered into tiny pieces and plummeted into pit of my stomach.
She told me she's been dealing with it for two years. That her first lesion was removed at UCSF and this last lesion was removed by a doctor closer to home. She looked so delicate, as she braved the words; they didn't get it all this last time. She continued telling me how she didn't think the doctor was very caring this last time and how caring the doctors at UCSF were. The reason she hasn't gone back to UCSF was because she didn't have anyone to take her. I told her to call USCF and that no matter what I was going to take her there.
There she stood, hopeful tears swelling in her worn eyes, because someone said they cared enough to be there for her. There I was capable of giving her something that was as simple as a ride to change her life.
Events occur in your life that wakes you up to your "dumb-ass, self-centered, what the hell was I thinking" moments.
Today I was reminded that my insignificant hiccups are curable with unconditional love and the discovery of your authenticity.
The fastest way to peace is to live peacefully and the quickest way to love is to love unconditionally.
I believe, as most of you know, that thoughts carry power. I ask you now, after reading this post, to take a moment and send love to Glenda. Know that your words and thoughts can change the world one moment at a time. Thank you for sticking around to read.